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In how many pages have systems been found so far?

Detected Systems over Time

In the following graphic, three data sets are layered on top of each other.

The lowest level shows if there is any data at all for this page and this year. This is coded in grey (no data available) or white (there are html-files in the dump from the archive).

Colors indicate which system has been detected. The shape indicates how the system has been found.

You can hover over the data points to read the information directly.

Number of archived pages per year

This graph only shows if and how many html pages are included in the delivery from the internet archive for the respective domain.

In addition, the graph is divided into two parts: whether systems were found or not.

Please be patient: loading the data will take some time

All traces of commenting functionality found or noted so far

Die Grafik zeigt für jeden Typ eines findings eine eigene Überschrift, abgetrennt durch einen grauen Balken. Mögliche Blöcke können sein: 'manual reseach' (momentan nur bei ksta), 'traces via form findings' und 'traces via snippets'. Gibt es beispielsweise keine traces via snippets, wird auch der Block erst gar nicht gezeichnet.

Innerhalb eines Blockes von 'traces via form findings' werden alle übereinstimmenden Spuren mit der gleichen Farbe markiert.

At what time were the pages archived?

Traces of commenting possiblities in form tags

Die Tabelle zeigt zusätzliche Informationen zu den 'traces via form tags'. Alle tags die innerhalb des gefundenen formtags genestet sind, werden hier gezeigt. Die Spalte 'text' enthält immer auch den Text aller nachfolgenden tags, d.h. um zu wissen, was die User der Seite textlich von dem form-tag wahrnehmen, ist alles schon im form-tag abzulesen.

Traces of commenting systems

Die Tabelle zeigt zusätzliche Informationen zu den 'traces via snippets'.

Currently documented popularity of commenting systems found

Years marked only with an outline, the system could be found as the company existed. In the marked year, however, nothing was discovered in the current data set.

Documented systems that could possibly be found

Lighter color indicates that the concrete date is unknown.
